Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust


Curriculum Leader: Mrs Helena Pearson

Intent Statement

At Reynolds Academy geography promotes an understanding of places and a range of environments. Through their work in geography, we encourage children to learn about their local area and compare their life with that in other regions in the United Kingdom and across the rest of the world. Geography is introduced to children when they begin Early Years as they explore features of their own and other environments whilst observing their differences. We want our children to be familiar with their local surroundings through visits and references to the local area. Geography is also taught through cross-curricular learning incorporating aspects of history and science as we want children to link their knowledge and skills together.

We want out children to develop skills such as learning how to draw and interpret maps and developing the skills of research, investigation, analysis and problem-solving. Through their growing knowledge and understanding of human geography, children will gain an appreciation of life in other cultures. Children will be regularly encouraged to demonstrate their understanding of the skills and knowledge they have learnt in their Geography lessons with the use of questioning and reasoning.

Through geography, we will motivate children to find out about the physical world and enable them to recognise the importance of sustainable development for the future. When children leave the academy, we want them to be keen geographers with and excellent knowledge and understanding of the world around them; how it has been formed physically, socially and economically, and how it continues to change. Children should have the ability to form opinion based on accurate data and information and to use this to think critically about the world around them and communicate this in a variety of ways to their audience.

Please click on the links below to find out more about how we deliver our Geography curriculum.

Knowledge Organiser