West End Theatre Comes To Reynolds Academy
Actor Tom Clare, from West End In Schools, runs a Macbeth workshop for Reynolds Academy Year 6 pupils.
The West End came to Reynolds Academy when actor Tom Clare held a Macbeth workshop for pupils.
With its experience as an Olivier Award-winning West End production company, West End In Schools brings together writers, directors and actors working in the industry to create productions and workshops for schools, using scripts specially written for Reception to Year 6 pupils. The workshops use dance and drama techniques to bring class topics to life, from Literacy to History to PSHE.
Reynolds Academy pupils acted out scenes from Shakespeare’s acclaimed play and got tips from Tom on how best to portray their characters.
Year 6 pupil Meadow Taylor (11) said Tom inspired her. “He brought the characters to life and was really funny.”
Actor Tom Clare gives Year 6 Reynolds Academy pupils advice on acting. From left, Meadow Taylor, 11, Rhiann Neilson, 11, and Jessica Wilkinson, 11.
Acting out a scene from Macbeth, from left, Kyran Andercott, 11, Riley Barrett, 11, and Riley Dickinson, 11.
Year 6 pupils Kyran Andercott (right) and Riley Dickinson in a scene from Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Year 6 pupils act out a scene from Macbeth, from left, Dylan Jury, 11, Ben Day, 11, and Kieran Phillips, 11.