Mayor Visits Reynolds Academy

Children and staff welcomed special visitors to help celebrate the 50th anniversary of Cleethorpes being twinned with Königswinter.
The Mayor of North East Lincolnshire, Cllr Steve Beasant, and a delegation from the German town were treated to afternoon tea and a tour of the academy by our school councillors.

Principal Mrs Scott said: "It’s always lovely to have the Mayor in school and the children really enjoy listening to his stories.
"His enthusiasm and love of learning always shines through in the conversations he has with them."
The partnership between Cleethorpes and Königswinter was created in 1974. A twinning relationship between two local authorities and/or communities in different countries gives citizens an opportunity to contact and get to know each other, develop understanding and friendship and exchange visits.

Mrs Scott said: "Our school councillors thoroughly loved sharing information about their school day and asking lots of questions about what school is like for the children of Königswinter."
School councillor Poppie said: "I really enjoyed showing our visitors what our school is like, and it was very interesting to hear about their schools too! They start secondary school from a younger age, which seems crazy!"
Ava and George said: "They seemed really interested in our library system and were amazed by our selection of books. We think it would be fun to attend school in Germany."
William said it was interesting to chat to the visitors.

"I liked listening to them speaking German," he said. "I could hear some similarities in their language and ours – I might learn some! I would to visit their school in the future."
Mrs Scott hoped the visit will be the start of future work to bring children from the two communities together and provide opportunities for them to develop friendships.