Welcome To Reynolds Academy
Reynolds Academy is a larger than average sized primary school which caters for children between the ages of 3 and 11. We have a dedicated and highly motivated staff who work extremely hard and have high expectations for all of our children. Each year group team is composed of at least two Teachers, supported by Teaching Assistants.
The Senior Leadership team consists of the Principal, Rebecca Scott who is one of the Academies Designated Safeguarding Officer and acting SENDCO. In addition, there is Assistant Principal, Gareth Cookson who is the second of our Designated Safeguarding Officers and Key Stage Two Lead. We also have Assistant Principal Helen Rushworth, who has responsibility for Early Years and Key Stage One.
The staff at the academy have an excellent understanding of how children learn and what learning should look like for each individual child. We use regular assessment and knowledge of the children to plan carefully for each lesson, group and individual. Those children who are high ability and have a particular gift for a subject will be supported to further develop their talents; and those children with specific needs will have dedicated support and a curriculum designed to meet their requirements.
We hope you will find our new website useful. We have made some significant changes to give you more information, especially about our curriculum. In addition, we also have new class pages, which we will continually update throughout the year.
We hope that the website is a useful source of information for parents and pupils. Please add our website to your favourites list and visit us regularly to keep up to date with our events, achievements and activities. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
If you have a few minutes, please also watch our promotional video, as it gives an overview of everything that we feel is special about Reynolds Academy.